Saturday, March 7, 2009

Discipling the Found - Beasant Nagar

CED # 37

To the Glory of God Discipling classes started in October 2008. Eight students joined and the classes began with a committment for these ordinary fisherfolk to have a change in their lives.

Rev. S. Vincent : "All Glory to the Victorious Name of the Lord! I praise God for the ICI University because the members of this church have been immensely blessed by the CED programme. This training is what we needed in our church. The members have been blessed not only materially but also spiritually . This is the first Discipleship Training Program that we have had in our church. The training was done systematically giving a deep foundational knowledge for the members. I thank Noel Pentony for sending Ramesh Daniel and I thank Ramesh Daniel for coming and teaching the members in our church to submit and walk before God. I pray that God will bless ICI Unive
rsity in all their endeavours and extend their influence to greater boundaries."

Sis. Marial Vincent (Pastor's Wife)

Offering thanks to God with a deep sense of gratitude for the change in the lives of the people after their church became a CED.

"The truths taught from the 'Sermon on the Mount' gave a new light to me and to the students"

Sis. Bhanu Student #19461/368 /08)
"I thank God first for the ICI training program and for the workers who have come to teach us to walk before God. Even though I am an illiterate person, I could understand clearly what was taught to me. I was able to learn many of the verses just by listening to what was beng taught repetitively and also to understand them. There has been a great revelation through the Word of God which has changed my life completely. This training has been very useful in the prayer meetings and to teach the new comers in the church."

(This sister does not know to read or write but she knows the eight beatitudes by heart. She is able to teach and witness to others what she had been taught-
to the amazement of the pastor and fellow believers}.

Sis. Chitra Student ID # 19462/369/08

I praise God for the ICI Training progra
m. I am an illiterate. However, God has blessed me and helped me to understand many great truths through the training I received. This has enabled me to spend more time in prayer. I was able to tell my neighbours and many others about Jesus and they have also come to the church to learn the truths taught here".

Bro. Babu Student ID # 19463/370/08
"I thank God for ICI University. I have been greatly blessed through these classes. A habit of reading the Bible every day and meditating on what I have read. A thirst for righteousness of God has been formed in my heart. Because of this I also spend much time in the presence of God praying. And God had strengthened me and enable me to overcome many troubles that came my way."

Sis. Revathi Student ID # 19464/371/08
"I thank God for ICI University for I am now filled with the joy of the Lord! Due to the training that I received I was able to overcome a deep depression that had come upon me for many days. I have also been filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues. Great joy and peace has come upon my family."

Bro. Samuel Student ID # 19465/372/08

"I have been able to learn many truths through the lessons taught in the Life of Christ. There was a lot of confusion and quarrels in my family but now, great peace and happiness has filled us. I have committed to give my entire life to the Lord in ministry.

Sis. Sathiya Student ID # 19466/373/08
"I have gained a knowledge of God through these classes. God has filled me with wisdom and strength. I am a leader in the Prayer Cell and these truths have blessed
me immensely, enabling me to minister to the people in the group
and in the neighbourhood. The biblical truths taught has helped me to change my life, which has proved a great blessing to me and my family. I am very happy that I had joined this class."

Sis. Selvi
(Student ID 19467/374/08)

I thank God for the ICI University classes. I was filled with rage before and would get angry with any and every one for no reason whatsoever and I would use abusivelanguage when speaking to others. But, now there is a great change in me. A great peace has come over me. I do not get angry with others now and I have stopped using abusive language. I have committed, come what may, to continue to come regularly for these classes which has proved a blessing to me and my family.
(Sis. Selvi's son, Padmanaban expired two weeks ago from cancer in the stomach. The boy was 18 years old. Please pray for her, her husband Bro. Sekar and daughter).

Sis. Varalakshmi
Student # 19468/375/08
"I thank God for the ICI University. Am very happy now. I had a lot of problems before. I was not able to attend the class. But after coming for the class, a change has come upon me and my family. I have therefore, decided to come regularly for the classes. These classes has helped me to grow in the knowledge of God and to love God more."

Bro.C.T. Durai (a.k.a. Juice Durai)
Student # 19491/398/08

"Through ICI I have come to know the Lord more. I have been delivered from witchcraft and demon possession. These lessons have been a great blessing to me and enabled me to accomplish a change in my life. I thank God for the truths which was revealed to me His love while studying the Highlights in the Life of Christ."

Friday, March 27, 2009
On completion of "The Highlights in the Life of Christ" a special seminar was arranged in a house in Beasant Nagar and the the students and remained for the teaching from 9.30 a.m. to 5.45 p.m.

"Let us be deeply rooted in the Word that has been taught us O Lord"

"This is the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments."

"Help us O Lord! Let the Fear of the Lord always be guide before us."

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